60+ Years of Driving Change and Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities

People with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities must be able to lead the life they choose so that they can have a quality of life that is meaningful to them. They often do not have the services, supports, and personal relationships they want and need to lead a full life in the community. They may encounter attitudinal, public policy, service system, and other barriers that keep them from choosing where they live and work. Moreover, they often lack opportunities to participate in and contribute to their communities. With your help, we are working every day to build a future of inclusive work, play, worship, community, travel and more.


Sign The Pledge

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are good friends and neighbors. We are in every community. We are a part of our families, our schools, our businesses, our houses of worship.

We have dreams, just like you. Some of us are great students and can’t wait to graduate from college. Some of us are eager for a good job. We like all kinds of music and hate when our favorite team loses. We worry about our future, our health, and whether our favorite show will get canceled. We can’t wait to move out on our own, fall in love, and get married. We have things that make us unique, and things we have in common— just like everyone else—and with the right help almost anything is possible.

You Can Count On Me!

Who We Are

The Arc of Central Virginia, in partnership with The Arc of Virginia and The Arc of The Unites States, is a human rights and community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental (IDD) while supporting them and their families. We are dedicated to providing advocacy, resources, skills, activities, and opportunities that each individual needs in order to live a life filled with their own preferences and choices – a life like yours

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What We Do

The Arc of Central Virginia provides programs and services that people with IDD and their families want and depend upon in their daily lives. We work with and for people with IDD, their families, and our communities to achieve change. We strive for quality, honesty, transparency and excellence in all we do.

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What You Can Do

Together, we are stronger! Through the years, with the help of advocates and generous supporters, we have been able to build a more inclusive community. Join those who have already committed to ensuring the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are protected.

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Apply For Services

If you are interested in applying for any of the services provided by The Arc of Central Virginia, please fill out our referral/direct application form and our Director of Program Services will contact you to discuss how The Arc of Central Virginia can best meet your needs.

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Donate To The Arc of Central Virginia

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Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in The Arc of Central Virginia. We are available via phone Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to answer any questions.

1508 Bedford Avenue
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504

E: info@arcofcva.org
P: 434-845-4071
F: 434-845-6425


Summer Camp Is Here!

We are happy to inform you that applications are now open for the 2024 Camp Meadowlark. The camp is specifically designed for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities residing in the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell, as well as the cities of Bedford and Lynchburg. We understand your concerns and are here to help in any way we can.

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